Sanaa Zavery
SC President
Steering Committee | President
IUSF committees fit a wide range of interests: marketing, philanthropy, recruiting, event planning, and more. Join the IU Student Foundation and let us know where you'd like to lend a hand. Subcommittee positions are filled by committee chairs, who are interviewed and selected by the IUSF Steering Committee.
Bridge the generation gap and network with IUSF alumni. The Alumni Affairs Committee helps maintain contact with more than 20,000 IUSF alumni. Members manage historical archives and document IUSF events through photos and other media. The committee plans and implements the following events and activities:
Be an integral part of IU's Little 500 tradition. The Little 500 Cycling Committee, which meets in the fall and spring semesters, helps create, produce, and manage over a dozen cycling events over the course of the year. In addition, members help administer daily track practice requirements and rules. The committee plans and implements the following Little 500 cycling events:
Nurture the budding philanthropist within. The Students Helping Students Committee is the driving force behind the IUSF’s campaign to educate members and students about the value of supporting Indiana University. Members help administer the IUSF Metz Grant partner program, which provides financial support for IU student organizations. The committee plans and implements programs and events such as:
Make IUSF memories for a lifetime. The Engagement Committee helps members of IUSF feel like they belong. Through professional development, fun events, and onboarding the Engagement Committee help build the IUSF culture. The committee plans and implements programs and events such as:
Interested in learning more about the legacy of IUSF and the history of IUSF Student Committees? Schedule an appointment to tour our history at the Wilcox House
This select group of exceptional students lead the IU Student Foundation. IUSF Leadership members oversee events, scholarship processes, and, of course, committees.
Interested? Sign up to become an IUSF “gunner” during the first or second semester of your junior year. Gunners work at the center of the Little 500 or apply to be on Riders Council the spring of your Sophomore or Junior Year.
SC President
Steering Committee | President
SC Vice President
Steering Committee | Vice President
RC President
Riders Council | President
RC Vice President
Riders Council | Vice President
Director of Finance
Steering Committee | Finance Director
Director of Membership
Riders Council | Membership Director
Director of Marketing
Riders Council | Director of Marketing
Steering Committee | Students Helping Students
Riders Council | External
Steering Committee | Students Helping Students
Riders Council | Engagement
Steering Committee | Engagement
Riders Council | Outreach
Steering Committee | Students Helping Students
Steering Committee | L5C2
Steering Committee | External
Steering Committee | PreRace
Riders Council | Engagement
Riders Council | Skills Devo
Riders Council | Skills Devo
Riders Council | External
Steering Committee | Engagement
Steering Committee | L5C2
Riders Council | Engagement
Steering Committee | Engagement
Riders Council | Skills Devo
Steering Committee | L5C2
Riders Council | Skills Devo
Riders Council | Skills Devo
Riders Council | Outreach
Riders Council | External
Steering Committee | L5C2
Riders Council | Outreach
Steering Committee | Students Helping Students
Riders Council | Outreach
Riders Council | External
Riders Council | Outreach
Steering Committee | External
Steering Committee | PreRace
Steering Committee | PreRace
Steering Committee | External
Steering Committee | Students Helping Students
The Indiana University Foundation solicits tax-deductible private contributions for the benefit of Indiana University and is registered to solicit charitable contributions in all states requiring registration. For more information, please review our full disclosure statement.